How about some colorful flowers that make you smile when you see them...that's where my inspiration came from this time.. Some days ago, I was at the park and I couldn't resist taking pictures of some beautiful flowers that were all around. Flowers always inspire me in many ways, specially their beautiful and vibrant colors!
I think I'll be doing this kind of posts about a new project every Friday so I can share with you some inspiration for the weekend! What do you think?
Here's the actual picture of the the colors!!
*Versión en Español *
Que les parece algunas flores coloridas que les hagan sonreir de solo mirarlas...asi es que nacio mi inspiracion esta vez...Hace algunos dias estuve en el parque y no pude resistir tomarle unas fotos a unas flores lindas que estaban por ahi...Las flores siempre me inspiran de diferentes maneras, especialmente sus hermosos colores. Creo que estaré haciendo entradas como esta todos los Viernes, asi comparto con ustedes un poco de inspiración para el fin de semana, que les parece?
Aqui la foto que tome ese dia, me encantan los colores!
*The flowers*
Las flores

Those beautiful colors were the beginning of my inspiració I started creating my little collage with different elements that inspired me as well..Images that I collect such as jewelry, some old photos that I own, magazines, etc...I even included the picture of an old painting that I made few years ago..all those elements together are part of my little inspiration board now...
*Versión en Español *
Esos hermosos colores fueron el principio de mi inspiración, así que comencé a crear un pequeño collage con diferentes elementos que me también me inspiran, imágenes que colecciono como joyería, algunas fotos antiguas, revistas, etc. Hasta incluí la foto de un cuadro que pinte hace tiempo...todos esos elementos juntos sone parte ahora de mi pequeño collage de inspiración.
*Click on the image to enlarge*
*Click en la imagen para agrandar*
So I started sketching some ideas that came up to my mind having this inspiration board and other elements such as fabrics swatches, markers, color pencils, etc..I always have to have the tv or my favorite music around when I'm sketching..don't know why, but I just like it...
*Versión en Español *
Así que comencé dibujando algunos bocetos que me vinieron a la mente, teniendo como inspiración mi collage y otros elementos como muestras de telas, marcadores (plumones), lápices de colores, etc. Siempre tengo que tener alrededor la tv o mi música favorita, no se bien porque pero me gusta..
And here they are..
Y aqui estan..
*My finished sketches*
Mis bocetos terminados

I used markers and some touches of color pencils
Use marcadores y unos toques de lapices de colores
Hope to inspire you a little bit..I'd love to know what you think
Have a fabulous weekend! ♥
Espero haberlos inspirado un encantaría saber que les pareció ♥
Que tengan un lindo fin de semana!
Besos y abrazos
Que lindos tus sketches Giovanna!
ReplyDeleteQue markers usas? yo usaba los Prismacolor, pero se me acabaron =( y aqui son caros, conoces de alguna tienda x internet donde los vendan mas baratos?
Buen fin de semana tb!
Que linda Kaia! Muchas gracias! Si, uso los mismos que usabas tu, los Prismacolors, lo unico que se me ocurre es ebay en internet, alli encuentras variedad de precios. Aqui te dejo el link directo:
Espero haberte ayudado, Un beso!! Y un lindo fin de semana para ti tambien :)
super talent...that is what you have!!! I love your inspiration board - beautiful and love all of your sketches. i would have to say my fav is the red with the yellow and red polka dots!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much K! You're so sweet!
ReplyDeleteMe encantaron tus diseños y la manera tan linda como te inspiras, todos estan lindos!!!, mi favorito es el vestido rojo me parece super femenino, dulce y sexy a la vez.
you're a really really good drawer! I love those sketches
ReplyDeleteI LOVE these!!!
ReplyDeleteI love your sketches.
ReplyDeleteGIOVANNA bose ni como empezar pero solo quiero decirte es q tu eres toda una PRO eres una ARTISTA es increible tus disenios yo AMO toditos me encantan me inspiran y buscare en mi closet cual armo antes de ir al cinema ya que ayer quize ir y lo perdimos por el tiempo cada disenio es como se diria en frenchi so romantique!!! :D j'adore vraiment chaque une :) eres una verdadera diseñadora y encima PERUANITA que orgullo :) y sere mas aun el dia que lo porte cada disenio tuyo :) besitossssssssss
ReplyDeleteCarlita, me emocionan tus palabras, mil gracias por tanto cariño!! Me da mucha alegría que te guste lo que hago, gracias carlita! te envio muchos besitos y me paso para tu blog ahorita ♥
ReplyDeleteThank you so much everyone for your kind comments about my designs! I really appreciate them ♥
OH, I definitely agree with K! You have super talent! I love the colors your chose to inspire your creations. WOW!
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting today!
gorgeous sketches!
ReplyDeletei'd love to learn to draw like that.
thankyou for my comment back!
ReplyDeletewould you like to swap links?
love your blog song by the way :)
my aunties best friend corrine bailey rae :)
thankyou for the comment back again! :)
ReplyDeletesorry for writing that its like automatic ( i try to reply to every comment made) even if its 1am in england right now!
thankyou, i feel so priveleged!
love your blog too.
boho market is such a good name!
adding you to my blog roll now!
Thank you so much Becca! you're in my blogroll too :)
ReplyDeleteI love your blog as well!!
You have a fabulous style! ♥
thankyou giovanna!
ReplyDeletei love commenting you back now.
you know when you were studying at FIDM did you ever do anything on bohemian/gypsy fashion? this is my project for my gcse in textiles.
if you do, have any fabric swatches, photos, information please email me at
Hi Becca! I'll go to your blog to give you some ideas :)
Querida Giovanna
ReplyDeleteGracias por tu visita, tu comentario y tu aprecio.
Eres una diseñadora encantadora...(me salio en verso:) ) , te sigo desde que fuiste una "chica con estilo" en Fashionjolik, y me quede prendida con tu blog. De veras me gusta muchisimo.
Estoy aprendiendo mas de lo que pude imaginar con tanta cultura y creatividad que se vive en los espacios de esta comunidad blogger.
Nos seguiremos visitando y comentando..lindo fin de semana...
P.D.Yo tambien le debo a Colombia mi media naranja...
thankyou for the comment.
thankyou, really thankyou, for the comment you just left, its really helped, consider me now 'inspired' thanks to you!
absolutely GORGEOUS sketches! i've always wanted to draw like that ever since i became obsessed with project runway, but it's a lost cause...
ReplyDeletealso: i've been wanting some classic doc marten 8-hole boots foEVER and wondered what you thought... i want to wear them with dresses and stuff, or just my regular black skinnies and thick belt. is that too overdone?
You're very welcome Becca! I'm very happy I could help you!! ♥
Dear J,
Thank you so much for your kind comment about my sketches! It means a lot to me ♥
About the boots, I think it's a fabulous buy! I love them too! I'd wear them with little dresses, with tights, leggins and stuff, the look that I love the most is the one with a little floral-boho dress, carefree hairdo, black tights, bangels or a long necklace to give them a little bohemian look, or if you are more into the grunge style, there are so many options as well, I mean you can style those boots with many different things! And you'll look fabulous!
I'll be posting some of the looks I told you soon :)
I'll go to your blog right now :)
Wow, you drew?? that beautiful, I draw also love fashion!
ReplyDeleteI enter the college of fashion design next year!
Xoxo flor!*
Blog lindo!
WOW. You have such a talent!!! I am so jealous that you can sketch and draw so beautifully.
Wow, your sketches came out brilliantlly. They are stunning.
ReplyDeleteMe declaro fan de tu blog Giovanna, están super lindo estos dibujos!
ReplyDeleteYa se que los comenté en facebook, lol pero no puedo evitarlo, tienes un talento innato.
He dejado el dibujo por mucho tiempo pero creo que lo retomaré, gracias por la inspiración.
Have a great day darling :)
Thank you girls!! I heart all your lovely comments! ♥
Gracias a todas por sus lindos comentarios los guardo en mi ♥
carayyy tu haces esos dibujos y esos diseños??? que arte tienes! me encanta el tercero empezando por la izqda
ReplyDeleteun besazooo
Hello Giovanna! Your sketches are beautiful! Wonderful selection for your inspiration board too. The color pallete you chose is fabulous! Thanks so much for your sweet visit! I really enjoy visiting your blog!
Lisa :)
hola! gracias por tu comentario!
ReplyDeleteme ha encantado tu forma de explicar el proceso que has llevado para hacer los diseños! yo normalmente y teniendo todas las cosas que me inspiran en mente, acabo haciendo el diseño antes y luego lo adorno con las cosas que me han inspirado, es raro, pero es que me parece como que si pierdo el tiempo poniendo mono lo que me inspira se me irán las ideas! xDD
Your sketches are gorgeous - you are quite talented girl!
ReplyDeleteo wow! I'm impressed, these sketched look amazing! And I love this post! <3
I love your sketches...and your fantastic've got mad skills chica!
ReplyDeleteInspiring indeed, my dear. How lovely are your designs. The colors are beautiful. I really can't wait until I can totally get into the swing of my creative things!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week, you brilliant little muse, you...:D
Gracias por visitar mi blog, tu blog es muy interesante, espero que vuelvas pronto por aquí.
Thanks Giovanna for the comment left on my blog this morning...very useful!
ReplyDeleteAND WOW, I am always amazed by your designs!
Do you sell your designs to anyone in particular?
You're very welcome Char! Thanks for the sweet comment about my work! I do sell my designs to people who ask me a design or sketch, but nobody in particular. I'm also a freelance designer. I'll be selling my illustrartions/designs in an online store soon, so stay tuned :)
your sketches are gorgeous!! you are so talented.
Bohemian Bisoux
LOOOVE your designs!! I want to wear them :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so talented! Amazing drawings!
Your sketches are beautiful and I love how you take your inspiration from nature. It's genius!
Lauren: Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I'm glad you like my work! :)
*Dylana: You're so sweet! Thank you so much!
*Nik: Thank you so much for your lovely words! I really appreciate them!
THANK YOU sooo much to everyone!! I appreciate your sweet comments! I usually answer your lovely comments on my blog, but If not, I'll go straight to your blogs to comment back :) I read all your comments and I heart them ♥
Mil gracias a todos por comentar! Aprecio mucho sus lindos comentarios! Casi siempre contesto sus comentarios en mi blog, de lo contrario, voy directo a sus blogs para dejarles un comentario :) Leo todos siempre todos sus comentarios ♥
Your designs are incredible!
ReplyDeleteyour sketches are so lovely!!!
ReplyDeletei really like your designs
i would totally buy those!!!
yellow is such a pretty color too!
I saw your comment on Audrey Kawasaki's blog and thought to check out your blog and i must admit that i looooove your designs and how their comfortable concepts! :)
ReplyDeleteDear Dafni, Thank you so much for your sweet comment about my work! I really appreciate it!
Leia and Patty, thanks a lot for your kind words! I heart them♥