
Sep 29, 2009

Inspiring Trends

I love this fashion spread! The looks are very versatile and we can use them as reference to create our own style if we want... I mean, I love to get inspired by the trends to create my own personal look. Enjoy this fantastic spread!
I also wanted to thank everyone for the lovely comments on my posts! I really appreciate your kind words
and last, but not least I wanted to give a warm welcome to my new followers, Thank you so much!!
Hope you're having a fabulous week!

*Spanish Version*
Me encanta esta publicación para la revista Marie Claire Italia, estos looks son muy versátiles y los podemos usar como referencia si queremos, a mi personalmente me encanta inspirarme en las tendencias y crear mi propio estilo. Espero que les gusten estos looks!
También quería agradecerles por los lindos comentarios que recibo en mis posts! Aprecio mucho sus palabras
Además quería darle la bienvenida a mis nuevos lectores, muchas gracias por seguir este blog!
Espero que estén teniendo una linda semana!

*Click on the images to enlarge*
*Click en las imágenes para agrandar*

Magazine: Marie Claire Italy/Sep. 09
Photography: Paolo Candian

Sep 28, 2009

Leyend of Fall

I was blown away by this amazing editorial! These photos are so inspiring, I just love them all.
I adore the colors, the styling, the theme, the model, the clothes, and of course the unbelievable work of photographer Toni Kim for Vogue Korea...Everything is just a dream!
Hope you enjoy it as much I did

*Spanish Version*
Este increíble editorial me sorprendió muchísimo! Encontré demasiada inspiración en estas fotos! Las adoro!!
Los colores, el estilo, la modelo, la ropa, el tema, el fondo y por supuesto el trabajo increíble del fotógrafo Toni Kim para Vogue Korea...Estas fotos son un sueño!
Espero que les guste tanto como a mi
Magazine: Vogue Korea Oct. 09
Model: Coco Rocha
Photography: Toni Kim
Editorial: Leyend of Fall
*Click on each image to enlarge*
*Click en cada imagen para agrandar*


Sep 25, 2009

Friday's Inspiration: Girls with Personality

This project began a couple of posts ago when I showed you my "Brainstorming Project", you can see it here. Since I haven't showed you the finished sketches, I wanted to do it today for "Friday's Inspiration".
These girls have a free spirited attitude that go perfectly with their outfits, very boho, romantic and fabulous. I created a mood board before starting to draw the sketches, see below:
❉ ✿ ✿ ❉ ✿ ✿ ❉
Este projecto comenzó hace algún tiempo cuando les mostré unos bocetos que recién comenzaba, pueden verlos aquí, ahora quería mostrarles los bocetos terminados, estas chicas tienen una actitud libre que va perfectamente con sus outfits, espíritu libre, boho, romántica y moderna. Mi inspiración inicial fue este collage que hice:

This was the brainstorming part:
Este era el inicio de mis bocetos:

And here are my finished hand sketches:
Y aqui estan mis bocetos terminados a mano:

Hope you like them! Have a fabulous & inspiring weekend!!
Espero que les guste! Que tengan un super inspirador fin de semana!

Sep 24, 2009

A Must Have in your Closet: The Little Black Blazer

The blazer is a must have piece; I think it gives any outfit a refined touch. It's an easy piece to mix and match, a quick way to look effortlessly chic. You can wear it for work or for going out with your friends, I mean you can't go wrong with a little black blazer. I made three easy looks with the same blazer using different bottoms and accessories, you can wear them from day to night. Which one is your favorite? Hope you like them

El blazer negro es una pieza básica en tu closet, pienso que le da a cualquier outfit un toque sofisticado. Es una pieza fácil de combinar y de lucir chic sin esfuerzo. Puedes usarlo para trabajar o para salir por ahí, no hay pierde con un blazer, siempre vas a lucir bien. Hice tres looks bien fáciles con el mismo blazer, pero cambiando la parte de abajo y usando diferentes accesorios. Estos looks pueden ser usados tanto de día como de noche. Cual es tu favorito? Espero que les guste

Sequins during the day? Oh Yes! The key is balance

Sep 20, 2009

Trend Report - Fall 2009 Men, Part 1

Guys this post is for you and the for girls as well, I mean what girl doesn't love to see her honey wearing something cool and fashionable... I saw several collections for men and picked my favorites. I wanted to show you the trends in different posts so this is the first part and it's about a fashion piece that is an statement in all the runway shows, "The Jacket".
The jacket, which is a classic piece, has evolved once again for this season and you'll see new shapes, styles and cuts. I also saw lots of dark colors, but the interesting thing with those pieces is the innovation in shapes, necklines, closures and textures, which I found super cool. I hope you like the looks I picked for this post.
Have a lovely Monday!

Spanish Version
Chicos este post es para ustedes y también para las chicas, porque no? A que chica no le gusta ver a su chico vestido con ropa cool y de moda...He visto varias colecciones para chicos y ya escogí mis favoritas, pero quería dividirlas en diferentes posts. Esta es la primera parte y se trata de una pieza clásica que nuevamente esta de moda, se trata del abrigo o casaca, pero innovando en formas, estilos y cortes. También ví muchos colores oscuros en las pasarelas, pero lo interesante en esas piezas es la innovación en las texturas y formas lo cual me pareció super cool. Espero que les gusten los looks que escogí.
Que tengan un lindo lunes!

*Click on each image to enlarge*
*Click en cada imagen para agrandar*

Sep 18, 2009

An Inspirational Young Actress: Laura May

I met the lovely Laura May almost three years ago and immediately became great friends. Laura is an inspiration to me because she is a girl that believes in her dreams and follows them; no matter what obstacles she finds on her way, Laura keeps working towards reaching her goals. Laura is a super talented actress, genuine, very down to earth and as a friend she's awesome!. Laura and a group of her friends decided to make their dreams happen creating a web show named "Sav & Kat Jump Off" which is now showing on YouTube, you can see this fabulous show here. If you wish to follow the show on Facebook, just click here and for Laura's Twitter page click here. I wanted to share with you a little bit about the talented Laura, so I decided to interview her. Hope you like it!
The lovely Laura
BM: Tell us a little bit about yourself Laura. When did you discover your passion for acting?
Laura: Well as a kid, I would always act out stories that I had made up in my head. I’d make up all these different characters and I would act it out most of the time playing multiple characters all in one scene. I’d do it in front of my parents and or even when I was alone in my room. I think my parents thought I’d grow out of it, that all little girls love playing pretend and what not. However, my mother got worried when I turned 16 and she noticed that the habit never went away. (laughs!) If you think about it, to people looking in, I really looked like I was talking to myself and then what would freak them out even further is, that they are hearing one person have a conversation with four different people. So yeah, it kind of freaked my mother out a little. (laughs!) I on the other hand, just had so much fun being able to make up these characters in my head and to be able to act it out that I didn’t see it has a habit that needed to be broken. Also my father was an entertainer. He was a musician (played many different musical instruments, he sang,) he was a MC/host at various different events and he was also a Ballroom dancer, he did magic shows at children's parties, I mean my Father did it all. He was really charismatic. So I think being around those settings with my Father and watching him perform definitely helped further influence my desire to want to entertain and be an actor.

BM: When did you decide to move to Los Angeles to pursue your dream? And how easy/difficult has been for you to make it happen here in L.A.?
Laura: L.A. was always part of my plan, it was just a matter of when. My Father ended up being diagnosed with brain tumor, and passed away about 10 months after his diagnosis. That was one of the toughest things my family had to go through. It was then that I said, that’s it I need to make it happen and just do it. I needed to trust myself, follow my heart and pursue my passion, period. And so through the support and help of some very special people in my life, about 6 months after my Father passed, Los Angeles, California, became my new home. I moved out to Los Angeles, not knowing anyone out here. I had to go back to basics and start from scratch with building relationships, making friends and learning about the trades of the entertainment industry. Its definitely been challenging but at the same time the experience and growth I’ve gotten from this process, has been amazing. I am learning so much about myself and growing in so many ways!! It’s exciting! I love it! And best of all, at the end of the day, no matter how challenging the process maybe, the satisfaction I get from being able to pursue my passion, makes everything worth it. So many people go through life settling for what feels safe, afraid to take risks and not pursue what truly ignites their passion/interests. I do not want to be one of those people. I have one chance to make the most out of this life that I’ve been given and conforming to rules and playing it safe is definitely not the route I have chosen. Some people may not understand it, but it’s not for them to understand. This is my life, this is the path I have chosen. And ultimately, this is the path that gives me true happiness. That’s all that matters.

BM: Who are the actors/actresses that inspire you the most and why?
Laura: América Ferrera inspires me. She’s super talented and very down to earth.There’s something very humbling about her personality that I absolutely love. I love how she never conformed to the image that Hollywood tries to enforce on young women. She continues to stay true to who she is. She’s refreshing, beautiful and sexy!
Will Smith is definitely inspiring. Will actually get’s how life works and I absolutely love that about him!! That’s what inspires me about him. Every time Will does an interview, you get inspired and you take something positive away from watching him talk. I mean we all know he is super talented but the work he does out side of acting, his words of wisdom, his zest for life and definitely his work ethic! He’s a hard-working man! There’s a video going around YouTube about Will and it’s a compilation of some of his most inspiring interviews. Watch it, it will change your life!
Natalie Portman because she's super super talented, and I think she could take on any character!.

BM: Your top three favorite films are:
Laura: Oh wow! I mean there are too many to mention but I’ll try to keep it at three. Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants. Such a feel good movie about young women and friendship! I love it. I can watch the second one over and over again and never get tired of it. Pride and Prejudice, its my all time classic! Ok this next one is an animated movie but it really makes me happy every time I watch it so I have to mention it!! Happy Feet!! Love love Happy Feet!

BM: Tell us a little bit about the show, how did you guys come up with the idea and concept?
Laura: The initial idea to start writing and producing a web-series actually came about on the day of the 2009 Oscars. Then the next day, Kimberly Woods and I met up and started pitching out ideas and the concept for the show and before we knew it, not long after, we were shooting our first and second episodes for our web-series.

At the "Sav & Kat Jump Off" Studio

BM: I know you guys are a group of very talented people; please tell us a little bit about the members of the crew?
Laura: Kimberly is an actress out here in L.A that I met through class. We were scene partners. We ended up becoming good friends outside of class. She was born in St. Louis, MO and grew up in Delaware. Andrew, a Princeton graduate, is a director, editor and is great with graphics and special effects. Check out our Battlestar Galactica inspired musical parody. The special effects on there are pretty impressive. Magnus, who’s actually a civil engineer by profession, somehow always found himself involved with entertainment one way or another. He’s done music promotions, was a radio personality, hosting etc…He has a knack for networking and is great with people. I have to also mention his role as Key Grip on our series, simply because he is just obsessed with being a key grip. Then there’s Voltaire Sterling who plays Demarco Lee on the series. He’s a good friend who’s also an actor out here in L.A. He worked on the Great Debaters. Voltaire’s always been really supportive and is just a great person all around.
I feel really blessed to have talented and genuinely good people around me. I think its important to have that especially in this industry.

"Sav & Kat Jump Off" Episode 2

BM: I think it would be fun if I tell you some random words that you'd answer with the first thing that comes to your mind (in one word)...Ready? Here they come Laura:
(Laura's answers are in Orange)

Fashion:Bohemian rocks!! ( I know it's two words but I couldn’t help it!)
TV Show:Ugly Betty
Icon:Michael Jackson

Isn't Laura an inspiration? Thanks everyone for taking the time to read this interview with Laura. Comments are very much welcome! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!


Sep 16, 2009

Michelle Williams Photographed by Mario Testino

The adorable Michelle Williams was photographed by the great Mario Testino in a sweet and girly photo shoot where she smiles so gracefully that she looks like an angel.
Mario Testino did an impeccable job as always. I'll quote an article in Vogue Magazine about Mario Testino's work: "Mario Testino makes anyone he photographs look the best they ever will. That's part of his magic. The rest is in making the taking of the photo as much fun as possible, using his trademark Peruvian encouragement". In my opinion, Mario Testino is an amazing photographer, I really love his work. The way Mario made Michelle smile, is part of his trademark, that's why I've always loved the photo shoot of the beautiful Princess Diana where he made her laugh and smile like never before.
This October issue of Vogue has also an interview with Michelle Williams. I personally love Michelle Williams, I think she is a great actress! I've been following her career since Dawson's Creek, she was my favorite actress of that TV show. So here are some of the photos from the October issue, hope you like them

*Click on Pictures to enlarge*

Michelle Williams

La dulce Michelle Williams fue fotografiada por el gran Mario Testino, en una sesión fotográfica donde se veía super dulce y femenina. Su sonrisa angelical me encanto! Mario Testino como siempre hizo un trabajo impecable. Voy a citar un articulo que leí sobre su trabajo en la revista Vogue: "Mario hace lucir a todo aquel que pasa por su lente, de una manera única, usando siempre su sello de distinción, su motivación peruana". En mi opinión, Mario Testino es un fotógrafo increíble, adoro su trabajo. La manera en la que hizo que Michelle Williams sonría, es parte de su sello personal, es por eso que siempre me ha gustado la sesión de fotos que este le hizo a la bella Princesa Diana, donde la hizo sonreír como nunca antes nadie lo había hecho. Esta edición de Octubre de la revista Vogue también tiene una entrevista con la actriz. A mi me encanta Michelle Williams, la sigo desde que actuaba en la serie de televisión "Dawson's Creek", ella era mi actriz favorita en esa serie. Arriba pueden ver la sesión fotográfica para Vogue edición de Octubre 2009. Espero que les guste
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