
Sep 24, 2009

A Must Have in your Closet: The Little Black Blazer

The blazer is a must have piece; I think it gives any outfit a refined touch. It's an easy piece to mix and match, a quick way to look effortlessly chic. You can wear it for work or for going out with your friends, I mean you can't go wrong with a little black blazer. I made three easy looks with the same blazer using different bottoms and accessories, you can wear them from day to night. Which one is your favorite? Hope you like them

El blazer negro es una pieza básica en tu closet, pienso que le da a cualquier outfit un toque sofisticado. Es una pieza fácil de combinar y de lucir chic sin esfuerzo. Puedes usarlo para trabajar o para salir por ahí, no hay pierde con un blazer, siempre vas a lucir bien. Hice tres looks bien fáciles con el mismo blazer, pero cambiando la parte de abajo y usando diferentes accesorios. Estos looks pueden ser usados tanto de día como de noche. Cual es tu favorito? Espero que les guste

Sequins during the day? Oh Yes! The key is balance


  1. a must have are thoses Killer Pumps in the 1st image !!!

    Have a Beautiful Day!!
    xo Laura

  2. woah,
    your blog is amazing :)
    I love the shoes in the last image.
    What brand are they?


    P.S; I linked you on my blog :)

  3. The looks that you put together are beautiful! It's hard to pick my favorite, but I guess I would say look #3 - I love the blouse & the clutch. Great post!
    Have a great day :)

  4. great post! Love the sparkly vest! Have a sweet day!x

  5. Woah, that first purse is amazing! Where's it from?

  6. Thank you so much ladies!! Love your sweet comments!

    For Annie: The shoes in the last image are from this site: and here's the direct
    For K: The clutch in the first picture is from Modcloth and here's the direct

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!

  7. I have a little black blazer. It such such a useful piece of clothing. It goes with absolutely everything. And its great for work, a night out or even shopping with friends.

  8. i completely agree and like all the looks ;)

  9. love all of them!!! not even sure which I like the best...

  10. I still have to find my perfect blazer.

  11. un blazer negro es perfecto para cualquier ocasion, a mi el mio me saca de muchos apuros. por cierto me ha encantado el 2º outfit que has hecho, genial
    1 besazo guapa

  12. Love them all, but if I had to choose one, it'd be #2. Little black blazers are the best ever!

  13. me gustaron las tres propuestas con el blazer, todavia no tengo uno,, estoy en la busqueda, sabes que aca en peru es un poco dificil encontrar ropa especialmente donde vivo yo...
    vi tus compras en zara ... las botitas estan hermosas y el polo divino...

  14. Great post! Everyone needs a good LBB (like LBD) in their closet!

  15. I can't choose! It's a close tie between the first and the third... probably would depend on where I'm going. Great looks either way, all of them! xo

  16. i love those Louboutins boots, especially the thick lace ups


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