
Oct 23, 2009

Friday's Inspiration: Love is in the air...

This post is just an excuse to celebrate in general...this feeling has the power to put a smile in our faces every time we feel it our the way, today is finally Friday! and that makes me happy because I can spend more time with my beloved ones!
This illustration came to my mind as an idea to mix something sweet like a girl feeling the wind on her face (That's why I love to walk around on windy days, just to feel the wind on my face..) some heart balloons, and the outfit I love!
Hope you enjoy your weekend and share much love!
PS: Thank you so much for your lovely comments that always make me smile :)

*Spanish Version*
Este post es solo una excusa para celebrar el amor…el amor en general…este sentimiento tiene el poder de arrancarnos una sonrisa cada vez que lo sentimos en nuestro corazón…a propósito hoy es Viernes! Y eso me hace muy feliz ya que voy a tener mas tiempo para compartir con mis seres queridos! Esta ilustración vino a mi mente como una idea de mezclar algo dulce, como una chica sintiendo el viento en su rostro (A mi me gusta mucho salir a caminar cuando hay viento, solo para sentirlo en mi rostro..) Algunos globos en forma de corazón y la ropa que me gusta! Espero que disfruten del fin de semana y que compartan mucho amor!

PD: Mil gracias por sus lindos comentarios que siempre me hacen sonreír! Besos

Click on image to enlarge


  1. She is beautiful!! You are oozing with talent Giovanna!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Me encanto la ilustracion Giovana! la chica se ve en paz! ademas creo que esta usando botas de pasadores verdad? adoro esas botas!
    Amo tus post friday´s inspiration... son como chocolate para el alma :D
    Miles de besos!

  3. me gusta mucho la expresion:"love is in the air...because you`re in my heart". el otono es el momento perfecto para enamorarte.tu diseno es muy chulo. te deseo un fin de semana perfecto!

  4. Beautiful artowrk my dear. It is so lovely!!

  5. the wind on my face is one of my most favorite things!! love the drawing and happy you get more time with your beloved ones!
    xoxo -loves!

  6. is such a powerful force!!! Much love for you too this weekend

  7. What a darling, sweet post, dear Giovanna! Your illustration convey such a sweet feeling:)

    I love to walk in the wind too, with the wind in my hair, I feel so much more alive!

    Happy weekend:)


  8. Adorable post!!! Por supuesto que el amor está en el aire!!! Y por acá, que estamos en primavera, se siente a full!!! Que tengas un maravilloso fin de semana!!!

  9. Comparto contigo el gusto por sentir el viento en la cara. Me pone la pilas un montón.
    Pero si además tienes la sensación de primavera y celebras el amor porque es viernes, sólo puedo decir ¡Yo también!
    Y que sepas que me rindo ante tus ilustraciones. Llegarás muy lejos.
    Besitos, guapa

  10. Thank you so much for your sweet response to this post, darlings :) I hope you all have a great weekend sharing lots of love with your beloved ones..
    I'll be visiting your blogs as well :)

    Mil gracias por sus lindos comentarios sobre este post :) Espero que tengan un fin de semana maravilloso compartiendo mucho amor con sus seres queridos..
    Estaré visitando sus blogs tambien :)
    Besos y abrazos!!

  11. Such beautiful talent! I love the inspiration!

  12. gorgeous sketch!
    hope you have a good weekend! :)

  13. Beautiful drawing. I love her wind swept hair!

  14. Hola Giovanna! Te dejé un premio en mi blog. Pasa por ahí cuando puedas!


  15. Como siempre tu marcando la diferencia esta increible tu ilustracion como siempre tan inspiradora y tu gran talento y claro que el amor es el sentimiento perfecto que nosotros los seres humanos podemos sentir y saber que amo y me aman eso me hace ser mas que feliz bendiciones Giova!!!

  16. I heart your blog!

  17. Giovanna, I just wanted to say thank you for the lovely compliment you left on my blog. I'm really glad you enjoyed my post on photography and I hope the information was helpful to you.

    I love your illustration. You're very creative and your talent just amazes me. I really like the concept of love. And her hair blowing in the wind adds a nice touch to the whole illustration. I hope you have a good weekend as well and enjoy your time with loved ones :)

  18. i love love,
    it makes me happy :)

    i love the illustration!

    love annie <3.

  19. Hi Sweet Lady -

    I hope you have a lovely weekend, too! Thanks bunches for dropping by GirlWhimsy, and yes, I would love to swap links with you and I would be ecstatic if you added GirlWhimsy to your list of "Inspiring Places". I have already added you to my "whimsical blog love" list and am a happy new follower of your whimsical blog. I am also going to add one of your lovely badges to my "whimsical button love" list. Can I ask you in advance if I could do a feature post of your beautiful works in the near future? Let me know. I think my readers would fall in love with them just as I have done. Hugs and Smooches!

  20. What a beautiful illustration and sentiment!

  21. Giovannita que tengas un lindo fin de semana con mucho amor!! Esta linda la ilustración y la inspiración. Gracias por pasar siempre a visitarme y comentarme eres increible!

  22. you make me want to be an animation.

  23. Lovely post! This drawing is very sweet and whimsical!~

  24. What a sweet post. Very beautiful! I love that illustration. It is pretty. You are VERY talented, dear!
    I hope you are having a fabulous weekend. :)

  25. I always love reading your posts! I hope you had a beautiful weekend! xoxoxo

  26. Oh, so sweet! Love is marvelous, isn't it? And it's easy to feel love with the wind on your face and balloons in your hand. Delightful!

  27. she's so sweet! I always love your illustrations :)

  28. Como siempre tan fantásticos todos tus dibujos! me encantan!



  29. Hi there, Im new here and soo glad I found you, you have real spirit!I love the Style of your blog and this post is sooo sweet, we need encouraging to love more! Sharon xxxooo


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