
May 19, 2010

Mood Board Time: Day Dreaming

I'm all about delicate and feminine colors & fabrics lately...As you know, I adore the Boho style as well, but I also love to mix boho with other styles like dreamy, romantic or urban and rocker chic.
This week, I was looking for some lovely and feminine fabrics at my favorite fabric store, but I couldn't find the kind of lace I was looking for. I just wanted to make a little lace dress for myself, so I think I'll keep checking out the other stores; at least I could find some other lovely fabrics to make stuff so I'm happy I went anyway. I'm also planning to do a DIY project soon to show you on my blog so stay tuned lovelies!
Talking about a romantic look, I think that lace + flowers are the main elements to get the romantic-boho look. I got very inspired by the romantic and delicate style that I decided to create this mood board to visualize what I'm currently loving. Don't you think this mood board has a nostalgic feel? I also added a little bit of texture in the background. Hope you like it and feel a little inspired xoxo

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Ando algo obsecionada con todo lo que tenga que ver con colores y telas delicadas...Como deben saber, adoro el estilo Boho, pero también me encanta mezclar el estilo Boho con otros estilos como romántico y femenino o urbano y rocker chic. Esta semana, estuve buscando algunas telas lindas y femeninas en mi tienda de telas favorita, pero no pude encontrar la tela de encaje que estaba buscando. Quería hacer un vestido para mi, pero como no encontré el encaje en esa tienda, seguiré buscando en otras a ver si tengo mas suerte, por lo menos pude encontrar otras lindas telas ahí así que estoy contenta. También estoy planeando hacer un proyecto de DIY y mostrarselos en mi blog, así que estén atent@s :)
Hablando del look romántico, pienso que el encaje y las flores son los elementos principales para obtener el look Boho-Romántico. Me inspire mucho en el estilo femenino y delicado así que decidí crear este board de inspiración para visualizar lo que me encanta en estos momentos. No les parece que este collage tiene un toque nostálgico? También agregue un poco de textura en el fondo. Espero que les guste y se sientan un poquito inspirados Que tengan un lindo dia! xoxo

Day Dreaming



  1. i hve no reason to say " i don't like it" cause i like it so,,,
    thx for sharing :)


  2. It's always hard to find things when you are looking for them, lovely moodboard.

  3. Inspiring! I can't wait for your DIY!!

  4. This is so nostalgic and feminine! I love lace and flowers!

  5. very cute and romantic! cant wait for the DIY ;)
    peace out

  6. Precioso, y como tu dices nostalgico. Estoy deseando ver ese diy.BESITOS

  7. this is so beautiful! so very spring like. LOVE the color palette :)

  8. Great inspiration Giovanna!

  9. Oh so beautiful and pastel ~~

    xoxo Laura

  10. I really love your style.

  11. I can't wait for the DIY!!

    This is such lovely style. These photos are perfect inspiration.

  12. good day fellas. I'm honestly into shoes and I had been searching for that meticulous make. The prices for the velcros were approximately 200 pounds on every site. But for all I set this area selling them someone is concerned half price. I in reality love these [url=]prada sneakers[/url]. I will definetly purchase these. what do you think?

  13. Your mood board is fabulous! I hope you find the perfect lace for yourself :)

  14. what pure loveliness! I'm simply enchanted with this beautiful collage of images :)


  15. Mood boards are my favourite posts! And yours is no exception :D

    - Adele

  16. Flowers, lace and RUFFLES. Gotta have the ruffles! Love this gorgeous inspiration board!

  17. Cool blog! Really happy to have found it. Can't wait to see what you make.

  18. What a beautiful post! The lace and sheer femininity of the mood board is very inspiring. Good job!

    Have a great evening, my dear.

  19. love this!
    you have a great blog, keep it up
    and thanks for the comments, they mean the world!


  20. Love your mood boards!

  21. Excited to see your new project! And your mood beautiful is beautiful; I love the sweet vintage feel of it! Pretty colors!

  22. Hello I'm new. Brilliant forum. Just found it on Google. Thank you 4 the Awesome community we have here :)


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